Formi KDF

Formi is a patended non-Antibiotic Growth Promoter made by Addcon in Germany. There are two kinds of FORMI: Formi KDF used in swine and Formi NDF used in poultry. The active ingredient of Formi is mainly formic acid which is the best know organic acid to kill bacteria and virus. With its very low MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration), low molecular weight, and short chain length, it can inhibit growth of certain gram negative bacteria at a faster rate.

Available In: 25 kg Bag

From calendar:

FORMI® is a patented non-Antibiotic Growth Promotant made by Addcon, Germany. The active ingredient, formic acid, is the best organic acid known to kill bacteria and yeast.


  •  Improves animal performance by increasing animal feed intake and body weight gain hence, improving FCR.
  • Reduction of diarrheal cases in young and growing animals (E. coli, and Salmonella)
  • Optimized microflora of sows resulting to more vital piglets